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Aerial Hoop

What is Aerial Hoop?
Aerial Hoop involves performing acrobatic movements on a suspended metal or aluminium ring. The hoop can be adjusted to different heights, offering varying levels of challenge for participants. Performers execute spins, poses, and drops, showcasing strength, flexibility, and grace in their routines.


Who is it for?
Hoop classes cater to both kids and adults, providing hoops of different sizes to accommodate individual needs and preferences. Participants can explore aerial hoop regardless of age or fitness level, with classes designed to introduce beginners to the fundamentals while challenging experienced aerialists.


What are the benefits?

  • Improves overall strength and muscle tone, particularly in the arms, shoulders, core, and legs 

  • Enhances flexibility and joint mobility through dynamic movements and stretches

  • Develops balance and coordination, requiring precise control and body awareness

  • Reduces stress and promotes mental well-being through focused and immersive workouts

  • Allows for creative and artistic expression, empowering participants to explore movement and choreography in a supportive and encouraging atmosphere

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